The Bee
The Bee by Stephen Ford, 2001, ....
An Adolescent
Several bear families were foraging in the hills of the Sequoia National Park the day this shot was taken. My partner watched in the other direction. ...
Along the mountain trails there’s always a couple fellows that thought they were invited lunch. ....
Summer Visitor
A very friendly fellow who spent their summer vacation at our pond. ....
Elks are prevalent along the Redwood Highway. Six bucks strolled along Highway 101 nibbling easily accessible feed provided by neighborhood lawns. ... ...
Dragon Fly
Both a red and blue dragonfly posed for their pictures this day. They had to be posing since they patiently waited for the photographer to setup. (1st ...
Resting in Meadow
A herd of Elk shared grazing with the horses in a meadow along the 101 as the morning mist breezed through the pine trees and Redwwods. ....
A Field of Green
A young bear wanders through a lush meadow in early Spring looking for treats. ....
Little Blue Fellow
A red and blue dragon fly posed for their photographs with patience on a warn summer day in Southern California. ....
First Days of Spring
The Sequoia groves in the south end of Yosemite come alive with wildlife in the Spring. Deer, bobcat, bear and other wildlife can be seen in woodlands. ...
This handsome frog turned up one day and decided this was his pond. ....
Munching Along
A half dozen young bucks strolled along Route 101 tasting the lawns in this Redwood Forest neighborhood. ....
Spring Apricot Blossoms
It was just one of those times of being in the right place at the right time. A warm spell brought the Apricot blossoms out early and the bees too. The ...
A Flurry of Activity
On a warm Spring day the early flowers brought a flurry of activity--butterflies, bees, humingbirds and more. ....